About the Author

A former animator, Elizabeth Jin-Yi DeBrun studied animation and story-telling with Disney, Warner Bros., and Marvel Animation veterans while earning her Master’s Degree in Animation from Savannah College of Art Design. During that time, she sold a story to the Biker Mice From Mars TV series (2006, Episode 8 “Driver’s Ed”).

After earning her degree, Elizabeth worked as the first animation intern for Lucasfilms Animation, assisting on the Star Wars: Clone Wars Season 1 series under executive producer George Lucas and director Dave Filoni.

In 2008, she began the Animation Mentor program and spent the next three years studying 3D animation and techniques after which she worked several freelance projects in gaming and independent films before shifting gears in 2013. Deciding to focus on her own work, she began writing fiction and has never looked back.

She currently lives in Marin County, California with her Irish husband, two sons, and the ghost of one beloved corgi.

Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy is represented by Laurie McLean of Fuse Literary.

Kid Lit is represented by Karly Dizon of Fuse Literary.

Learn more about me and my work at my independent developmental editor page here.